Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (ISSN 1732-9353 print; 2543-7496 online) is published quaternary by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Press. The published articles are available under the terms of the principles of Open Access Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license. It means that for non-commercial purposes available materials may be copied, printed and distributed.

All papers are abstracted in the data bases as follows: AGRO(Poznań)BazTechBiblioteka NaukiCrossRefDOAJEBSCOGoogle ScholarIndex CopernicusINFONAPBNSCOPUSSIGŻ(CBR).

We are pleased to announce that, based on the number of citations in the SCOPUS assessment for 2023, the Scientific Review maintained its Q4 position in the ranking (SJR=0,187).

From issue 2021 Vol. 30 (4), the publication of the journal in the paper version is suspended. All articles will be published only in electronic form.

You are welcome to publish in Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences. Complete instructions for manuscript preparation are presented in our website. Correspondence should be directed to Editorial Office E-mail..