Analysis of additional works in completed railway construction projects

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A. Lesniak
F. Janowiec

Keywords : additional works, railway construction projects

The railway construction investments are characterized by a significant extension of individual phases and an increased number of entities participating in the construction investment process. Despite the use of many modern methods and techniques unforeseen phenomena and events which may occur during the execution of the investment cannot be excluded. All unexpected situations usually initiate consequences in the form of additional workload and costs not included by the contractor and longer duration of works. This fact is commonly referred to as the occurrence of the so-called additional works. The paper presents the results of research concerning additional works occurring during the realization of railway construction projects performed in southern Poland. The analysis was based on data which concerned projects completed in the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2018.

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How to Cite
Lesniak, A., & Janowiec, F. (2019). Analysis of additional works in completed railway construction projects. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (SREES), 28(3), 366–376.

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