Risk analysis in surveying works related to roads construction

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M. Kowacka
D. Skorupka
A. Duchaczek
A. Waniewska
D. Dudziak-Gajowiak

Keywords : construction, risk, geodesy, roads

This study aimed to indicate the identified risk factors, which is the first stage in the presented method for risk analysis in geodetic works. The experts’ opinion, analysis of available documentation, experience, subject literature review, and observation allowed for obtaining information due to which 20 risk factors were selected. The presented method for risk analysis was developed as a result of investigations and verification of existing risk analysis methods, as well as the market needs. The results of the study on the identification of risk factors and the presented risk analysis method are the first stage of the research on the given subject, the continuation of which will be presented in subsequent works.

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How to Cite
Kowacka, M., Skorupka, D., Duchaczek, A., Waniewska, A., & Dudziak-Gajowiak, D. (2019). Risk analysis in surveying works related to roads construction. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (SREES), 28(3), 377–382. https://doi.org/10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.3.35

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