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The impact of steel and polypropylene fibers on the performance of lightweight self-compacting concrete (LWSCC) beams was investigated in this study. Seven beams with various parameters were cast and tested. Partial (50%) and full (100%) replacement of coarse aggregate with lightweight aggregate expanded clay (LECA) were considered. In addition, a 1% volumetric ratio of steel or hybrid (steel and polypropylene) fiber was added to LWSCC beams to study their effect on the shear performance. The LWSCC beams had a decrease in ultimate load and stiffness of 23 and 30% for partial and full replacement, respectively when compared to normal weight beam. The addition of steel fiber improved the efficiency of LWSCC beams in terms of crack formation, failure mode, crack width, and ultimate load, as well as changed the failure mode from shear to flexure. The ultimate load for hybrid LWSCC was increased by around 6% for a partial replacement and 13% for full replacement as compared to beams without fibers. However, hybrid beams had a larger bearing capacity, little more cracks with smaller size, and ductile failure.
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