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A field experiment was performed to assess the impact of potassium co-amended with boron at different application rates on organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and boron in the soil, also in terms of plant height, spike length, pedicel length, leaf area, spike weight, grain weight, biological yield, fresh biomass and dry biomass of wheat under the dry climate of Uthal. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used with the combined application of both K and B fertilizers with a replicate of three times, treatments were T0 control, T1 70 K kg×ha–1 and 0.6 B kg×ha–1, T2 140 K and 1.2 B kg×ha–1, T3 210 K and 1.8 B kg×ha–1 of potassium and boron respectively. Furthermore, boron was applied in three split doses (time of sowing, maturity of plant, and booting stage); whereas potassium was used in two split doses (before sowing and maturity). The obtained results demonstrated that plant height was increased, ranging from 77.68 to 83.00 cm, with T3, biological yield 14,150.0–19,186.67 kg×ha–1 with T3, in-soil N 0.04–0.069% with T3, in-soil P 3.42–3.89 mg×kg–1 with T3, in-soil K 82.00–120.00 mg×kg–1 with T3, in-soil B 0.11–0.22 mg×kg–1 with T3 than control treatment. The uptake NPK, and B by the wheat plant was increased, ranging from 1.17–1.66% with T3, 0.33–0.54 mg×kg–1 with T3, 2.32–2.72 mg×kg–1 with T3, and 1.12–1.14 mg×kg–1 with T3 as compared with the control treatment. The plant fresh and dry biomasses and soil organic matter were increased at T3 over that of the control soil. Overall, the findings of this study indicated that the co-application of potassium and boron at 210 and 1.8 kg×ha–1 doses can be successfully used to enhance grain and yield parameters of wheat, particularly those cultivated in dry climatic conditions.
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