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The paper showed the result of investigation of the hydraulic jump length in a trapezoidal channel. In this study, the basic factors that affect the length (Lj) and roller length (Lr) of the hydraulic jump were investigated by a physical trapezoidal channel’s model. The experiment carried out in purpose to establish a new empirical equation for calculating the roller length (Lr) of the jump in the horizontal trapezoidal channel with the upstream Froude number 4.0 to 9.0 (the steady jump). The hydraulic characteristics of forced jump were measured and statistically calculated using MS Excel software. The results of data analysis showed that the MAPE was relatively small (< 5%), and R2 > 0.9 (strong correlation between predicted and observed values) and other statistical indicators are less than 0.1 (MSE = 0.004, RMSE = 0.062, MEA = 0.047). Therefore, the equation found could be appropriated and applied to calculate characteristics of hydraulic jump trapezoidal channel.
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