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This research at the Wilanów Palace, Warsaw, assesses urban greenery’s cooling impacts in a cultural heritage site using remote sensing and on-site measurements, highlighting vegetation’s importance in urban climate control. The study combines soil temperature data, UAV thermal imagery, leaf area index (LAI), LiDAR, and NDVI analyses. Findings demonstrate a strong link between vegetation density and temperature: UAV land surface temperature (LST) ranged from 26.8° to 47.5°C, peaking at 72°C, while ground-based temperatures were between 19.5° and 29.2°C, lowest in dense vegetation areas. The statistical analysis confirmed significant temperature differences across vegetation types, with higher LAI areas showing lower temperatures. These results validate the cooling effect of dense vegetation, emphasizing green spaces’ significance in urban climate regulation within cultural heritage sites. The study informs sustainable urban design and conservation, underlining the critical role of vegetation in improving urban microclimates.
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