Main Article Content
It is determined that resolving waste reduction and disposal issues plays a crucial role in implementing the concept of sustainable development in individual countries. However, developing a waste management mechanism requires adequate information. The influence of various types of economic activities in Ukraine on waste formation is investigated in the pre-war period. It is assumed that these factors will remain relevant for Ukraine in the post-war period. To quantify the impact of various factors on waste generation in Ukraine, statistical data were used, and a multiple regression econometric model with partial elasticity coefficients was constructed. The calculations helped us establish that the determining factors influencing waste generation in Ukraine in the pre-war period were waste from the mining industry and quarry development and the processing industry. Ensuring waste reduction, disposal, and recycling in these sectors requires a comprehensive approach and cooperation from all parties. To achieve this goal, it is essential to combine technological innovations, environmental awareness among workers, and appropriate legislative initiatives. Recommended measures have been developed to reduce waste levels in various sectors of the economy at both the national and enterprise levels.
Article Details
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