Vegetation succession and changes in carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities in vineyards

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Erika Hurajová
Petra Martínez Barroso
Ladislav Havel
Igor Děkanovský
Jan Winkler

Keywords : vineyard ecosystem, insects, succession, vegetation

Vineyards provide space for microhabitats and require a very specific way of management. Vineyard vegetation undergoes succession over time, which affects insect communities. The selected vineyards are located in Moravia in the Czech Republic. The vegetation of the vineyards consisted of 48 species of annual dicotyledons, 63 species of perennial dicotyledons, 9 species of annual grasses and 10 species of perennial grasses. During the observation, 9 species of carabid beetles were recorded in the monitored vineyards. The composition of the vegetation in the vineyards changes with the age of the vineyard. Over time, representatives of the perennial dicotyledons, perennial grasses groups increase and representatives of the group annual dicotyledons decrease. The age of the vineyards also changed the carabid beetle community – the species Anchomenus dorsalis was more common in older vineyards. The species Dolichus halensis, Leistus ferrugineus and Platynus assimilis were more frequently recorded in summer and fall in older vineyards. The other species preferred younger vineyards. A higher abundance was recorded in summer and fall, which may be due to a higher food supply and sufficient amount of microhabitats for hibernation.

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How to Cite
Hurajová, E., Martínez Barroso, P., Havel, L., Děkanovský, I., & Winkler , J. (2024). Vegetation succession and changes in carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities in vineyards. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (SREES), 33(3), 289–303.

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