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Assessment of the carrying capacity of urban land is very important to evaluate and obtain an overview of the level of land capability through the classification of the carrying capacity of the area so that it becomes the basis for future urban development. This research was conducted in Palu City, which is national city in Indonesia with limited urban development due to its prone to earthquakes. For urban development, it is necessary to study the carrying capacity of land to reduce the risk of earthquake disasters, through three stages of analysis, namely mapping of earthquake-prone areas using the earthquake hazard mapping with seismic micro-zonation; land capability assessment; and integration of land suitability with planning and spatial planning of Palu City. Based on the findings of this study, 74.56% of Palu City is an earthquake-prone area dominated by land capability Classes A to B, namely low to very low land capability classes (55.43%), implying that they have urban physical constraints. However, if it is integrated with the Palu City spatial plan until 2030, most (78.79%) are already in accordance with the carrying capacity of their land, especially in protected areas, but there are still land developments that are not suitable for carrying capacity (21.21%), especially in cultivation areas with risks earthquake disaster. Land use plans that are not in accordance with their carrying capacity must be managed strictly as a tool for disaster mitigation that is urgently needed.
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