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A vehicle is a complicated system under the influence of vibration caused by an inequality of the road surface, variable speed, unbalance of the rotating elements. The main factors influencing the relaxation of threaded connections (TC) are the amplitude, frequency and gradient of vibration. Although the frequencies of these oscillations are distributed over a wide range, the general effects of dynamic loading on bolted connections are similar. Main effects: (1) loosening the nut/bolt and (2) failure due to fatigue failure. The analysis of the technological process of agricultural machinery shows that the main external factors influencing their work are the profile of the surface of the field, the hardness and moisture of the soil, the speed of the unit, the instability of the engine, the traction of the wheels of the tractor and others. To study the integrity of TC, which is tested on the stand, consider the design scheme of nonlinear oscillations of the design in the presence of gaps in the TC. The study was conducted in two modes of movement of the drill: with tightened bolts and weakened bolts. For the survey, the method of spectral analysis of multidimensional periodically non-stationary random signals was used. In the process of testing, the dynamic loading of bolted joints installed on the respective knots and components of the drill was evaluated. From the conducted research it follows that the maximum vibrations acting on the TC of the drill may be in the vicinity of high-frequency resonances of TC. In parallel, nonlinear mathematical models of the oscillations of the seeder and the weakened TC were developed. The theoretical results qualitatively correspond to the experimental data.
Article Details
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