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The construction industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact. Traditional paving block production often relies on non-renewable materials and contributes to waste generation. The need for sustainable and durable paving block alternatives is evident. This study investigated the potential of incorporating waste red brick powder and polypropylene (PP) plastic pellets as a fine aggregate in paving block production. Various formulations were tested, with varying percentages of these materials. The resulting paving blocks’ compressive strength and water absorption were evaluated against SNI 03-0691-1996 standards. The results indicate that the innovative paving block formulation incorporating 25% plastic pellets and 25% red brick powder achieved a maximum compressive strength of 12.19 MPa. In comparison, a mixture containing 15% plastic pellets and 25% red brick powder exhibited a minimum compressive strength of 3.08 MPa. The average water absorption for all formulations was 14.80%. These findings highlight the potential of waste materials as viable alternatives in construction, promoting a more sustainable approach to urban infrastructure.
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