Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (ISSN 1732-9353 print; 2543-7496 online) is published quaternary by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Press. The published articles are available under the terms of the principles of Open Access Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license. It means that for non-commercial purposes available materials may be copied, printed and distributed.


Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
ISSN:1732-9353 (print), 2543-7496 (online)

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Vol. 33 No. 2 (2024)

Published: 2024-06-29

Ash from gasification of poultry feathers for heavy metal immobilization under assisted phytostabilization in soils

Barbara Klik, Piotr Jachimowicz, Ernesta Liniauskiene, Mariusz Gusiatin, Algirdas RADZEVIČIUS, Martin Brtnicky, Raimondas ŠADZEVIČIUS, Agnieszka Bęś, Zbigniew MAZUR, Midona DAPKIENĖ, Maja Radziemska


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